發表時間 |
文章標題 |
人氣 |
2017-08-06 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 265 right coronary artery miss for VSD and left coronary artery images
(12) |
2017-07-21 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 264 left subclavian vein to left brachiocephalic vein video
(23) |
2017-07-20 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 263 perimembranous VSD 2017 07
(4) |
2017-07-17 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 260 4 months old baby brain CSP larger videos
(16) |
2017-07-17 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 261 2017 07 palate , uvula and lip images
(17) |
2017-07-17 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 262 2017 07 fetal heart screen videos
(12) |
2017-07-10 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 257 VSD with aortic stenosis and coarctation of aorta 29w 6d -4
(24) |
2017-07-10 |
memory 56 suspect CCAML type III - 5 35w6d 47448
(1) |
2017-07-10 |
memory 57 fetal aortic valve regurgitation or stenosis grading
(0) |
2017-07-10 |
memory 55 fetal aortic valve regurgitation mild
(1) |
2017-07-10 |
memory 54 fetal aortic valve regurgitation moderate
(1) |
2017-07-09 |
孕兒診所賴錫鉅醫師 162 真的、假的? 胎兒心室中隔缺損 (VSD) : 一年學會看破洞,十年學會看沒有破洞
(572) |
2017-06-25 |
孕兒診所賴錫鉅醫師 161 懷疑寶寶有問題再做高層次超音波 - 對嗎? 甘願 才會 歡喜
(440) |
2017-06-23 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 259 4 months old baby brain CSP larger
(23) |
2017-06-22 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 256 VSD with aortic stenosis and coarctation of aorta 29w 6d -3
(12) |
2017-06-19 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 255 VSD with aortic stenosis and coarctation of aorta 29w 6d -2
(16) |
2017-06-15 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 254 VSD with aortic stenosis and coarctation of aorta 29 w 6d -1
(4) |
2017-06-12 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 258 VSD with aortic stenosis and coarctation of aorta 29w 6d -5
(16) |
2017-06-12 |
孕兒診所賴錫鉅醫師 160 最快速且實際的胎兒四肢檢查
(281) |
2017-06-12 |
53 suspect CCAML type III - 4 31w6d 47448
(4) |
2017-06-12 |
52 suspect CCAML type III - 5 33w5d 1014
(0) |
2017-06-09 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 253 fetal echocardiography parasternal short axis 20170609
(14) |
2017-06-09 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 252 PRUV videos and images VS normal umbilical vein
(36) |
2017-06-08 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 251 Right pul vein and right atrium coumadin ridge like levee and short axis
(1) |
2017-06-05 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 246 Single ventricle , coarctation of aorta , aortic stenosis and PLSVC videos - 5 20170605
(2) |
2017-06-05 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 250 Left pul vein look like abnormal ? -4 typical mistake summary
(0) |
2017-06-05 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 249 Left pul vein look like abnormal ? -3 prove normal
(0) |
2017-06-02 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 248 single ventricle with common arterial trunk , 2 atria , LV
(3) |
2017-05-30 |
孕兒診所賴錫鉅醫師 159 胎兒心臟超音波及高層次超音波檢查需要多少時間
(362) |
2017-05-23 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 245 Single ventricle , coarctation of aorta , aortic stenosis and PLSVC videos - 4 2017.05.19.
(3) |
2017-05-23 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 244 Single ventricle , coarctation of aorta , aortic stenosis and PLSVC videos - 3
(0) |
2017-05-22 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 243 Single ventricle , coarctation of aorta , aortic stenosis and PLSVC videos - 2 2017.05.19.
(16) |
2017-05-22 |
51 suspect CCAML type III - 3 28w6d
(4) |
2017-05-22 |
50 suspect CCAML type III - 2 26w6d
(0) |
2017-05-22 |
49 suspect CCAML type III - 1 23w6d
(2) |
2017-05-22 |
48 suspect CCAML type III - 4 28w5d
(3) |
2017-05-22 |
45-1 suspect CCAML type III - 3 24w5d
(0) |
2017-05-22 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 241 twin male single ventricle , twin female normal heart 2017.05.19.
(11) |
2017-05-21 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 242 Single ventricle , coarctation of aorta , aortic stenosis and PLSVC videos - 1 2017.05.19.
(16) |
2017-05-21 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 240 Single ventricle , coarctation of aorta , aortic stenosis and PLSVC images - 2 2017.05.19.
(18) |
2017-05-21 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 239 Single ventricle , coarctation of aorta , aortic stenosis and PLSVC images 2017.05.19.
(14) |
2017-05-18 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 238 Fetal heart screen images 2017.05.16.
(17) |
2017-05-18 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 237 L't adrenal hematoma , rectum and sigmoid colon mild dilated 2017. 5. 17.
(19) |
2017-05-17 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 236 Palate images 2017.05.12.
(25) |
2017-05-17 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 235 PRUV images 2017.05.16.
(0) |
2017-05-15 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 234 Left pul vein look like abnormal ? -2
(4) |
2017-05-14 |
孕兒診所賴錫鉅醫師 158 母親節的思念: 一整桶親手挖的百香果
(145) |
2017-05-14 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 233 Left pul vein look like abnormal ? -1
(16) |
2017-05-07 |
孕兒診所備忘錄 232 suspect LA membrane 34w2d
(16) |
2017-05-01 |
孕兒診所賴錫鉅醫師 157 母女連心(上天的安排)續集
(262) |