發表時間 文章標題 人氣 留言
2016-12-15 孕兒診所備忘錄 166 agenesis of corpus callosum , colpocephaly and suspect hypospadia images (193) (0)
2016-12-15 孕兒診所備忘錄 165 agenesis of corpus callosum and colpocephaly videos (112) (0)
2016-12-15 孕兒診所備忘錄 164 hypertrophy cardiomyopathy with pericardial effusion images (13) (0)
2016-12-15 孕兒診所備忘錄 163 hypertrophy cardiomyopathy with pericardial effusion videos (20) (0)
2016-12-13 孕兒診所備忘錄 162 double aortic arch with VSD images (62) (0)
2016-12-12 孕兒診所賴錫鉅醫師 142 “ 高層次” 超音波需要看哪些東西 胎兒心臟超音波需要連續掃描 (329) (0)
2016-12-10 孕兒診所備忘錄 161 right aortic arch images (19) (0)
2016-12-10 孕兒診所賴錫鉅醫師 141 產前診斷右側主動脈弓 U type : 如何排除雙側主動脈弓 (350) (0)
2016-12-10 孕兒診所備忘錄 160 right aortic arch videos - II (15) (0)
2016-12-10 孕兒診所備忘錄 159 right aortic arch videos - I (15) (0)
2016-12-08 孕兒診所備忘錄 158 mild AS at 30 weeks images (19) (0)
2016-12-08 孕兒診所備忘錄 157 mild AS at 30 weeks videos (14) (0)
2016-12-08 孕兒診所備忘錄 156 persistent LSVC images and videos (148) (2)
2016-12-04 孕兒診所備忘錄 155 perimembranous VSD - III -3 postnatal (22) (0)
2016-12-04 孕兒診所備忘錄 154 perimembranous VSD - III -2 22 weeks prenatal (25) (0)
2016-12-04 孕兒診所備忘錄 153 perimembranous VSD - III -1 22 weeks prenatal (29) (0)
2016-12-04 孕兒診所備忘錄 152 perimembranous VSD - II -2 23 weeks prenatal (30) (0)
2016-12-04 孕兒診所備忘錄 151 perimembranous VSD - II -1 23 weeks prenatal (25) (0)
2016-12-04 孕兒診所備忘錄 150 perimembranous VSD - I -3 postnatal (15) (0)
2016-12-04 孕兒診所備忘錄 149 perimembranous VSD - I -2 31 weeks prenatal (31) (0)
2016-12-04 孕兒診所備忘錄 148 perimembranous VSD - I -1 23 weeks prenatal (36) (0)
2016-12-03 孕兒診所賴錫鉅醫師 140 為什麼全肺靜脈回流異常會讓超音波高手漏掉 (464) (0)
2016-11-29 孕兒診所備忘錄 147 hypoplastic left heart with DORV with VSD and aortic stenosis - III (16) (0)
2016-11-29 孕兒診所備忘錄 146 hypoplastic left heart with DORV with VSD and aortic stenosis - II (30) (0)
2016-11-29 孕兒診所備忘錄 145 hypoplastic left heart with DORV with VSD and aortic stenosis - I (18) (0)
2016-11-28 孕兒診所備忘錄 129 3 lines of uvula (34) (0)
2016-11-28 孕兒診所備忘錄 128 palate images normal variation (27) (0)
2016-11-28 孕兒診所備忘錄 143 aberrant right subclavian artery images (63) (0)
2016-11-27 孕兒診所備忘錄 142 foramen ovale and pulmonary vein (7) (0)
2016-11-27 孕兒診所備忘錄 141 2016 11 E6 for fetal heart screen (18) (0)
2016-11-27 孕兒診所賴錫鉅醫師 139 上天的恩賜 - 有時很難承受 (346) (0)
2016-11-21 孕兒診所備忘錄 140 Z score and percentile (45) (0)
2016-11-20 密碼文章 memory 22 simple coarctation of aorta -4 (0) (0)
2016-11-20 密碼文章 memory 21 simple coarctation of aorta -3 (0) (0)
2016-11-20 密碼文章 memory 20 AS and PS (0) (0)
2016-11-20 孕兒診所賴錫鉅醫師 138 產前診斷胎兒先天性橫膈膜疝氣 (1185) (0)
2016-11-20 孕兒診所賴錫鉅醫師 137 高層次超音波及胎兒心臟超音波 - 雙胞胎的檢查時間是單胞胎的三倍 (486) (0)
2016-11-16 密碼文章 memory 19 critical PS - III (2) (0)
2016-11-16 密碼文章 memory 18 critical PS - II (4) (0)
2016-11-16 密碼文章 memory 17 critical PS - I (2) (0)
2016-11-14 孕兒診所備忘錄 139 right coronary artery not VSD (22) (0)
2016-11-14 孕兒診所備忘錄 138 congenital diaphragmatic hernia with stomach displacement (27) (0)
2016-11-14 孕兒診所備忘錄 137 congenital diaphragmatic hernia with liver displacement - II (22) (0)
2016-11-14 孕兒診所備忘錄 136 congenital diaphragmatic hernia with liver displacement - I (23) (0)
2016-11-14 密碼文章 memory 16 TAPVR Ib and IVC DV Hepatic vein level (4) (0)
2016-11-14 孕兒診所賴錫鉅醫師 136 孕兒診所一週年感言 (324) (0)
2016-11-14 孕兒診所備忘錄 135 VSD images (34) (0)
2016-11-13 孕兒診所備忘錄 134 cleft lip and palate images (32) (0)
2016-11-13 密碼文章 memory 15 simple coarctation of aorta with reverse foramen ovale (4) (0)
2016-11-13 密碼文章 memory 14 coarctation of aorta with VSD (4) (0)